Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mack Truck

... is what I feel like hit me right now. I'm exhausted. Actually, exhausted is putting it lightly. The day began at 4am (but I had already had a middle of the night feeding with Abby) so I could get ready, feed Abby and get my crew out the door by 5:45 am. Thank goodness for the coffee gods and yummy hazelnut creamer - if only I had a gallon of it. Anyway - great day overall! It was so awesome to reconnect with my seniors (all of who I taught their freshmen year) and also get to know my new little newbie freshmen. But, just like any "first day" of school - I talked from 7am until 2pm. I'm so horse that I sound like I have a man voice... I know... scary, huh? On top of that, I haven't worn heels since February or March (because of being pregnant) and my feet are killing me! Poor things were probably sufficating in those tight shoes. Although so beat, it was truely wonderful to go and pick up my two little munchkins from school and give them both kisses and hugs! That is always the highlight of my day. OK... so how many days of school are left until summer vacation? It doesn't hurt to look ahead that far, does it?

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