Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1-month check up

Well knock me over and call me Sally - there is just no way that I thought Abbigail would weigh in at what she did today at her 1-month check up. I knew she was an eater, but my goodness... this really shows you what I'm talking about:

6 lbs 15 oz - birthweight on August 7th
18.5 inches long
8 lbs 10 oz - weight on September 8th
19.75 inches long

Of course, based on growth charts she is still considered small (petite) so it doesn't hurt at all that she is trying to pack on the pounds! In terms of sleeping, she is doing fairly well. Most nights I can get Thomas & Abby down for bed within 1/2 to 1 hour of each other so that allows me to have some "me" time before I head to bed. Recently, Abby has been sleeping as long as 6 hours at one time before she wants a feeding. Our doctor today told me that by 1-month old, babies can actually stretch their sleep routine from 6-8 hours. Hmmmmm... I guess I will start aiming for that each night.

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