Sunday, November 29, 2009

End of our Turkey break

Just a glimpse at some of the happenings over Turkey Break last week...
Thomas wanting to make his own PB&J sandwich - notice the torn bread? Yeap... I had to step in and spread peanut butter on a whole new piece by the time he was done. Hey, but at least he is interested, right?
I was NEVER a fan of baby shoes when Thomas was an infant - matter of fact, I don't think even think I put his first pair of shoes on until shortly before his 1st birthday when he was about to walk. Abbigail (and apparently all girls) is different. I already have been given LOADS of shoes and so this past weekend I figured I'd let her try a pair out. I also figured since she loves to stand while you are holding her on your lap, shoes might be a good thing! Here are her cutie feet!
She is actually "standing" a lot more in her Exersaucer - check out those shoes!
OK... funny story! I pulled out this travel bed that we had from when Thomas was an infant this weekend to bring with us when we went to my girlfriend's house. Thomas immediately called it his "black boat" - is that not hilarious? Well, at least what he did for the rest of the weekend with it was funny. He laid in it with a pillow and blanket and read books. Too funny! He did not want to admit at all that it was too small for him OR that is was for Abby. Nope - he claimed it as his.

"ToJo" (sometimes Brian has been known to call Thomas this as a joke. It is "redneck" for Thomas Joseph. Get it... "To" is for Thomas and "Jo" is for Joseph. I'm not fond of that knickname but I can't help but chuckle.

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