Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yummy & Squeeky Clean

Our Sunday started off with some baking - we felt like cooking up some yummy mini-blueberry muffins this morning. Of course, my assistant wanted to help so I put him right to work.
Stirring the ingredients very carefully
Notice the difference between the right side and the left side of the muffin tray. Can you tell which side Mommy filled and which side Thomas filled? Thats alright though... he is just 2. Appearance isn't everything, right?
This is the finished product 15 min later. I threw out the ones that are in the bottom left hand side of the tray - they were a little black. The rest were pretty yummy.
Thomas' yummy breakfast - yogurt (always a favorite with him), 2 muffins and milk.
OK... onto the major project of the day. I'd like to think I was a major part of this, but in all truth - I did nothing. I would have liked to, but it really was best to just let the expert handle this one... powerwashing (with a mold cleaner) the gutters & soffit around the entire house. If truth be told, these have not been cleaned in the almost-3-years since we built the house. Oops. With many things on our to-do list before the baby arrives and Brian heads out to the "sandbox", we figured this was a top priority. Just check out the before and after pictures - there is an amazing difference. You never really notice how dirty your house is until it is really clean. I'm giving HUGE props to my hubby for tackling this job. Our house is now squeeky clean!!!
AFTER (I know, amazing!)
My man hard at work. He even powerwashed the walkways and back porch! Everything feels so clean now. My only contribution to this project (given my 9 month pregnancy state) was to clean the fan that you can see hanging in this picture. It too has never been cleaned and was GROSS. Now, everything practically shines around the house.
This picture also does a great job showing the difference - can you tell I'm happy that Brian took care of this?
I don't know who this kid is, but when I sent Thomas out back to go and see Daddy and Ryan - he didn't look like this. They are such bad influences on Thomas. The kid in this picture looks like a gangsta rapper. Hmmm. The real problem is that Thomas kept the hat & glasses on for the next 15 minutes - like it was cool or something. I guess boys will be boys.

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