Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Night Leftovers (Boo Version)

Halloween is upon us which means that the holiday season is officially beginning this weekend. I'm just glad that this insane time of the year is starting. I only mean that because I feel like it is non-stop until early January from this point on. Oh well. We are in it, so we better enjoy it, right?
  • Abby is getting over a cold/cough this week that she hasn't really been able to shake for about 1.5 weeks... I think she is on the mend though.
  • Between after school meetings, parent conferences, a haircut appointment for Thomas, etc - sadly today was the day I decided to go and buy my Halloween candy. I went to Walmart (out of convenience). B-A-D. Idea. Everyone and their distant relatives were there. Surprisingly though they had a wide selection of candy and was able to scoop up my first and second choices.
  • Reality is (every year) I wait until the day or two before Halloween to buy the candy - if not, I will proceed to eat, and eat, and eat the candy. Do you see my method to my maddess now?
  • Thomas is super excited about trick-or-treating this year. He has explained to me the entire process of dressing up, carrying a bag/container, ringing doorbells or knocking on doors and saying, "TRICK or TREAT!" I just play along like it is all so new for me.
  • Emotional week for me - a good friend of mine that I work with, her husband is getting ready to deploy out for 6 months. We are extremely close and being military wives has made us even closer. She was there for me during Brian's last deployment and was certainly one of my "rocks" to lean on... I can only hope that I can be that for her during these deployment months. When you sit and listen and share in the worries & fears of someone who is near and dear to your heart and what she is saying is so very real because you have lived it... it makes for an emotionally draining week. All worth it, but exhausting. Frankly it makes me think of the next time Brian will have to deploy out and leave his family behind once again - and I hate to think of that time approaching too soon.
  • Fall temps are making their appearance again - which is absolutely refreshing again. The warm, humid temps are getting ridiculous and I'm hoping these cool nights/days are here to stay!

Boo! Boo! Boo! Happy Halloween everyone!

1 comment:

Danifred said...

I totally buy our candy at the last minute. I never want it in the house.
I hope your little chickadees had a blast trick or treating, can't wait to see the pictures :)