Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life is different

I can multi-task with the best of them.  I make lists.  I check things off the list.  I make more lists.  I have long term plans as well as short term plans.  All of it requires me being productive and getting things done.  That is just how I am. 

However, my life is very different - as is my productivity level - now that I am a Mommy.  It just doesn't get done the same way.  Nor does it get done at the same pace or in the same manner.  Dont' get me wrong...it does get done.  The difference is the list(s) stay unchecked for longer periods of time; the projects take longer to do; things are not done with 100% effort and focus... instead, it is done with whatever energy & zeal I have left in me after caring and loving on my two munchkins.  That is just how life is now.  It's my life and I love it... it is just a whole different ball game now.

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