Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Night Leftovers (HomeComing Chaos Version)

Whoop-Whoop! Enough said! TGIF everyone!
  • Good news on the Abby home front... she had 2 "good" days at school and 1 "OK" day. We are making progress. My little cutie might not be a juvenile delinquent after all.
  • Tonight is HomeComing at my school and with that comes an enormous amount of tradition... including a morning peprally, HUGE parade with floats and halftime ceremony at the 50 yard line tonight. Busy, Busy, Busy! I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures to show the excitement & choas... including ones of Thomas in his little white tuxedo as the little prince (he is in the events).
  • My Dad & stepmom will be in town for the night (to see the homecoming excitement) and spend a little bit of time with the kids tomorrow. Although it will be a short visit, it will be great to see them and catch up on lost time.
  • The 1/2 marathon that Brian and I are running in is in ONE month... oh my gosh... I have got to kick up the serious miles... 3.5 miles per run is just not going to be enough when my body has to run 13.1 all at one time.
  • This weekend we will be attempting to do some pumpkin painting (small ones) and pumpkin carving (big ones). I'm excited to see our halloween creations. Maybe one day I will actually get creative and put together a "real" halloween project for the kids.
  • Speaking of Halloween, Thomas is tentatively going to be Woody (from Toy Story) and Abby currently only has a "bee" costume... I'm attempting to find a lady bug or tinkerbell costume. I'm happy to report that I still have time to figure this all out.

Have a great weekend... I'm sure there will be lots of pictures by the end of the weekend.

1 comment:

Danifred said...

Ah, homecoming. I'm amazed by how much goes on now in the high schools for homecoming. It's definitely not as simple as it used to be. I hope your night was fun and you're getting in some quality pumpkin decorating today!