Do you know anyone who can
always find a good deal? Do you know someone who almost always sees
a good investment or a quick turn around profit opportunity? I do. My husband.
A few weeks ago when I was in Colorado, Brian tells me that the owner of the small 17' Key West boat that he has been eyeing for several weeks called and will take his offer. G-R-E-A-T (and I mean that sarcastically). I go to CO for 9 days and in that time, Brian buys a small boat. Of course we discussed it at great length, but still... I come home and now the Hecks have two boats. I should make it very clear that this was for investment purposes. Brian knows a good deal when he sees one. God knows he researches EVERYTHING very thoroughly. So... the idea was to list it on Ebay and sell it. Which he did. In only 8 days. The bad part was Brian and I were both starting to get attached to the boat because of its convenient small size. Oh well... had to remind ourselves that it was for a short turnaround profit.
Here is a glimpse of the small boat as we headed out of town to Brewton, AL to meet the guy who bought it last Saturday. Oh we could have had fun (especially Thomas & Abby) on that little thing this summer.

Just days after selling the small boat, Brian SOLD his 2007 Chevy Silverado (see above picture) to a guy on Ebay over in Mobile. Brian saw an opportunity to not only make money but also to "upgrade" into the next type of truck he wanted (see below picture). Yeap, you heard me right. In a matter of 7 days... my husband sold a small fishing boat, his Chevy truck AND bought a 2009 Dodge Ram 2500. OMG - those of you who know me well, know that this just makes my head hurt. My brain doesn't work like this -sell, buy, sell, buy, sell, etc. Oh no... I try to stick with one thing for a long time. On top of that, I have ZERO risk taking sense and probably wouldn't know how to invest money into something to see a quick turnaround profit. Thank goodness Brian is completely opposite of me.

What will he sell next? Maybe I should check Ebay to
make sure my house is not for sale...

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