...... we packed my bags and jumped in the car and headed for CO Springs (which was about a 2 hour + change drive south). I was going to get to spend the night at Hotel Sandy which also meant that I would get to see her other half (aka: Steve Sandy) and one of thier daughters, Ashley. Unfortunately, Casey was off at a camp and wasn't around for me to see again. Little background about the Sandy Family - we were stationed with them overseas in the Azores. From the moment I met Laura, she had me rolling in my seat with laughter and peeing my pants. How could I not love her? Her fabulous husband Steve worked in CE with Brian (although Steve was a Dirt Boy and Brian is Structures... anyone reading this who knows those terms is definately married to a work'in man in construction/engineering). We all left at some point in the summer of 2006... they headed to CO and we came back to FL.
But with military life, you tend to stay in touch with the really good friends you make. The Sandy Family are some of "those" people for us. So, I was blessed enough last week to be able to spend the entire car ride to down to their house, well into the late night and early the next morning when she drove me back to the Denver Airport catching up and sharing stories. Good Times! Thanks Laura & Steve for a terrific night!

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