Sunday, June 21, 2009


When we were at the peditrician's office the other day for Thomas' appointment, she only had one concern for me about him - the NUK.
We did really good about getting rid of bottles last summer (shortly after he turned 1 years old), but we have continued to hold onto the (very reliable) NUK pacifier. Truthfully, I don't know when the experts say to get rid of the pacifier, but I was thinking it was OK to have up until now??? We try and limit its use to naps, bedtime and the occasional car ride - but apparently the peditrician thinks we should give it up totally before the baby arrives. Hmmmmmm. She does have a good point, however, I feel like I rely on the NUK more so than Thomas probably does. It's that comfort tool that has "special powers" to relax my child... don't you other mother's agree? I know I need to do this, but I just don't know if I'm ready.

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