Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Hop, Hop, Hop"

When you ask Thomas what a Bunny Rabbit does, he will tell you, "Hop, Hop, Hop"! Just about every night involves a quick walk to the end of the circle looking for bunnies and seeing if they are eating dinner. Usually, we see one or two and Thomas is satisfied. But lately, he wants to chase after them and get as close as possible. Poor bunnies. A 2-year toddler running after them must be a nightmare. Anyway - here is a glimpse at tonight's excursion down the street.

Bunny is just to the left of the most forward bushy
Thomas getting a good look at the tall ears and big eyes
When the bunnies hop away, Thomas will usually imitate them by hopping too! It really is adorable to watch.

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