Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Third time is a charm?

Or at least I would have thought.  I'm talking about being pregnant for the third time.  I would have thought that having had two relatively easy pregnancies with Thomas & Abbigail, as well as just knowing what to expect, would mean no surprises.  Wrong.  Now don't get me wrong... I'm not alluding to anything serious, but rather things that I just either forgot about or didn't think it would effect me because I've "been here, done that."  Wrong.  Michelle.
  • I'm not in maternity clothes yet... although N-O-T-H-I-N-G fits (or fits the same anymore)... at this point, I just feel fat.  Actually, anyone who doesn't know I'm pregnant... probably also thinks I'm just getting fat.
  • Exhausted is an understatement to how I have felt up until recently.  There have been evenings when I feel like I'm in a walking coma of fatigue and I'm already passed out on the couch (or on some lucky nights in bed) by 7:30pm.  Talk about non-productive nights there.  I guess I ultimately shouldn't complain... I've been blessed with now 3 pregnancies with NO morning sickness.  I guess this is my punishment instead.
  • Now into my 2nd trimester, it is quite real to me that there will be a third Heck baby to come along.  Still convincing myself that Abbigail won't be the baby of the two of them, but I'm so excited because I know how wonderful of a big brother Thomas already is & my hopes are that Abbigail gets to have the best of both worlds as a little sister to Thomas and now a big sister to Baby Heck.
At 14 weeks, this week's big developments for Baby Heck include: can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/her thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his/her facial muscles are getting a workout as his/her tiny features form one expression after another.  Baby is stretching out too. From head to bottom, he/she measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and weighs 1 1/2 ounces.

1 comment:

Danifred said...

I remember that exhaustion, ugh, so hard!!!