Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursdays (Early home version)

I've decided that I'm going to kick-up the "thankfulness" each Thursday in honor of it being November and the holiday O' the month is Thanksgiving (aka: Turkey Day).  So... here we go:
  • Thankful I just got word today that my hubby is returning home tomorrow from his trip... yeah for early return home trips!  Can not WAIT to spend Friday night with him.  I know the kids are excited about heading to the airport to pick up Daddy too!
  • Super Thankful that Thomas is my litter helper in so many ways.  I know it sounds crazy, but having a 3 year old help with the smallest things makes the world of difference.  He is not only a great big brother, but as well my little life saver when it comes to keeping my sanity.
  • Thankful & happy that despite some serious colds & illnesses floating around school & daycare... the Hecks have managed to dodge them all with the exception of some runny noses and slight coughs.  Knock on wood.  Fingers crossed.
  • Finally, thankful for all the blessings in our lives - ones that we hope for; ones that are unexpected; ones that are intentional; ones that we don't know about yet.

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