Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Night Leftover (Still Stuffed from Thanksgiving Version)

I'm sure we have all gained a few pounds, just in the 24+ hours since Thanksgiving; If you haven't and you were "good"... then please refrain from reading my blog and being my friend (just joking). But seriously, in a way, I'm glad that this Eating-Holiday is behind us now and we just have one big holiday left to tackle in terms of weight gain possibilities. Anyway... a few random thoughts on this post-Thanksgiving day:
  • My "few" pounds might actually equate to 5 lbs. Oh that is so bad. Does being pregnant count at all here people?
  • On a positive note, Abbigail has been having more and more good reports at school lately... I'm just wondering why this is happening when she hasn't even hit the Terrible Twos - Heck, we aren't even at 1.5 years old yet.
  • I have failed at starting my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. I didn't even indulge or partake in Black Friday shopping... although I was quite tempted to do some online shopping. Time just got away from me.
  • These last few days off have been a welcome school break... especially mentally.
  • Ziggy has his annual appointment complete with shots/vaccines tomorrow morning. My hopes are that he has lost some of the 10 lbs that he packed on the year leading up to last year's physical. Fingers crossed. Additionally, we will be scheduling a small surgerical procedure for him to have a growth under his neck removed in the very immediate future.
  • Hoping to convince my Hubby that next weekend should be our Christmas Decorating weekend... fingers crossed. He's probably going to try and devert and postpone even though last year it all rested on my schoulders to do tree, lights, and decorating because of the deployment... auuughhhhhh! So glad it will be a team effort this time.

On a different note, we spent the evening with some great friends and got a chance to have a long standing traditional "Burn" (with a fire pit); the temps dropped quickly but we still managed to get cozy next to the fire all the while roasting marshmellows and making S'mores to snack on. The kids loved it. Heck, the adults loved it. What a way to end a busy (and filling) week.

1 comment:

Danifred said...

Being pregnant TOTALLY counts. I've only done minimal shopping, but it's all been for the girls, who are so easy to buy for!