Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday (Veteran's Day version)


In honor of my husband, as well as all those who have served/are serving in the US Armed Forces, I'm dedicating this "Thankful Thursday" and this Veteran's Day to them. 

Veterans Day means different things to different people, but we all must remember that those who are brave enough to serve the United States of America and sacrifice for each one of us, deserve our respect and gratitude.  We must all thank our veterans, both those currently serving and those who have served in the past. We must never forget. We must remember that we owe them and their families our liberty, our thanks and our love.

As we approach the holiday season, thousands and thousands of military families are separated because of duty.  At this time last year, our family was in that same situation.  I can't describe to you the emptiness and lonliness that I felt at times, despite being surrounded by extended family and friends.  It is more than difficult and emotional for all family members.  Most people will not have to endure what a military family goes through in this time of war when separation from loved ones has become the "norm" and togetherness is at a minimum.  Please keep all of these American families in your thoughts and prayers. 

Happy Veteran's Day to all, especially my hubby!  And to Thomas & Abbigail's hero... Daddy!

1 comment:

Danifred said...

Happy Veteran's day to your family! And, happy mid-week day off for you. Enjoy :)