Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mama's Life right now

As I should be, I'm consumed by all things related to my three munchkins - kindergarten, preschool, speech, gymnastics, playdates, birthday party planning, bike riding (and crashing), scooter scooting, wiggly teeth, potty training-teasing... you get the idea, right?  I thought I would take a break for a second and share a few other worthy notes of interest in my life:
  • I'm training for my first 1/2 marathon (Mayor's Marathon)that takes place in just about 5 weeks.  Although I'm not exactly following my original running program, I have been pretty darn consistent with my runs in addition to improving my run times.  My problem is I've got to start ramping up the mileage - if not, I'll never survive the 13.1 miles.  You'll find me dead on the side of the road on mile marker 8.5.  Must.  Run.  Longer.
  • I was afforded the opportunity to interview this week for open Assistant Principal positions at both the middle & high schools for this upcoming school year.  I was reminded again how exciting and, at the same time, nerve racking the process is, especially when you are an "outsider."  I hope to hear more in the next week or two.
  • On a similar note, recently I was asked to give two briefings to entire squadrons at their Commander's Calls.  Once again, regardless of how much experience I have with public speaking and teaching, I still get butterflies each time.  Especially when I know my husband is in the audience.
  • I'm super-duper-ubber excited that I have made our first RV camping reservations for some summer fun.  Although we won't be camping at all "fancy campgrounds" this summer, we will be spending a long weekend (July 4-7) at the Montana Creek Campground.  Hiking, bike riding, exploring... so excited.  So. Excited.
  • With our weekends quickly filling up with RVing (did I mention our ATVs will be going with us?) to somewhere fabulous and amazing, the summer weekly plans are also starting to take shape - library visits, indoor swimming, Pick-A-New-Playground trip, bike riding, Thomas' soccer, Abby's gymnastics & speech and all of us trying to keep up with Marilyn... oh, it's going to be a busy summer indeed.

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