Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Night Leftovers (homestretch edition)

TGIF friends.
  • Every morning for the last week or so, Abby has woken up and gotten dressed in her favorite bathing suit with her cute little crocks and then come upstairs to say good morning.  But instead of saying "good morning," she starts her day with, "I'm ready to fly to Florida, Mom!"  I think its fair to say she is excited.
  • Speaking of vacation, we are down to single digit days, people!  Homestretch, baby!
  • Also speaking of single digit days, decisions will begin to be made about our future in the AF this upcoming week.  It has been an up & down roller coaster this month with factors to consider & opportunities that are knocking (and ones that aren't).
  • I think it's pretty well decided that we have 2 southpaws & 1 righty... Marilyn is odd man out.  Of course, I have no idea where Thomas & Abby got their "left-handedness" from.
  • Marilyn is becoming quite the Chatty Cathy - repeating so, so many words that you say.
  • I'm not a fan of fundraising activities that schools put out.  That's probably putting it a little too lightly... I actually loath them.  It must have been all that fundraising over the years that I had to do as a Head HS Soccer Coach.  With that said, I've lost major points with my kindergartner (and am certainly NOT winning the Mom O' the Year Award) because I threw away forgot about the fundraiser paperwork despite some very cool prizes that he really wanted to get.  Aughhhh!  In my apology to him this morning, I had to promise we would do it next year when he is in 1st grade.  I'm already dreading it.
  • I failed to mention in last week's FNL that in addition to doggies, Marilyn also has an addiction to babies.  All babies.  Giggling, crying, eating, sleeping, crawling, etc.  She wants to watch them and be with them.  She has even insisted on watching "baby" videos on our iPhones or on the computer.  Its out of control.  It's a shame she won't ever be a big sister.  Maybe she can have some baby cousins soon (wink, wink Aunt Jen)?
Have a great weekend!  Get out and enjoy the weather - be it snow, beach or somewhere in between!

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