In our house, these two are better known as...
Yes, both of them, and in their own individual and unique ways.
Yes, both of them, and in their own individual and unique ways.
But most of all, these two are better known as...
The Heck Sisters.
And they go together like...
Frick & Frack
Mutt & Jeff
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Chocolate & milk
Mac & Cheese
Bert & Ernie
spaghetti & meatballs
Just 21 months apart,
Abby is the big sister
Marilyn is the little one.
There is just something special about the bond of sisterhood,
from the first moment they met.
There is just something special about the bond of sisterhood,
from the first moment they met.
wakes up in the morning & she gets to say "hello"
makes her laugh
listens to her
gets cozy with her on the couch
runs, jumps, and acts silly with her.
makes her laugh
listens to her
gets cozy with her on the couch
runs, jumps, and acts silly with her.
Marilyn loves when Abby...
comes home from preschool on the bus
wants to hold her hand
As is the case with sisters, of any age but especially ones that are close in age,
its not always easy when...
your sister gets to do things that you aren't quite big enough to do,
your sister always "steals" your stuff,
your sister wants to "help" you with every. last. thing. and you just want to do it yourself,
your sister gets to do something first and not have to be patient and wait her turn like you do,
and your sister gets to help Mommy with {insert anything at all here}.
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of.
You know whatever you do,
they'll still be there.
-- Amy Li
You know whatever you do,
they'll still be there.
-- Amy Li
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