Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Whoever you are

My mother did it when we were kids.

She used my name.  She said my sister's name.  Heck, she called out HER sister's name (who lived 3,000 miles away).  She even used our middle names for emphasis!

She called out the names in any random order.  Oldest.  Youngest.  Repeated it in reverse order too.

It didn't matter... she knew someone would come running. 

My mom would do it when one of us was right there in the same room with her.  Or when we were in the backyard & she was in the kitchen.  Near or far away... she called out our names when she needed us, regardless of whose name it was.

When one of us would tell her she said the wrong name, she would quickly turn and say, "Well, whoever you are then..."!  Of course it was said with love, but still!

I could never understand how my mom would mix up our names.  I just didn't get it.
And I swore I would never do it.

What kind of mommy uses the wrong child's name when they are calling out to their kids?
Seriously?  There were only 2 kids in my family growing up.  But now...

... I'm doing it.
Yeap, I've turned into my mom (which is not a bad thing at all).
On more than one occasion (closer to 100 or so), I have called out the wrong name.
Sometimes they're right in front of me & I'm looking at the white in their eyes and still call them the wrong name.  What is wrong with me?

Sometimes I even use middle names for emphasis!
And I'm embarrassed to say that I've even called out Brian's name too.

On more than one occasion (again, closer to 100 or so), I've turned to whoever was in front of me after realizing I called them by the wrong name and said, "Well, whoever you are then...!"

Of course it is said with love, but still!

Now that I've caught myself doing this, I'm just gonna chalk it up to being part of the Mommy Club.

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