Sunday, July 8, 2012


... that's what Abby calls them, at least.
Notice that it is plural. Noots (NUKs). She has 2 of them.
One goes in her mouth, one she holds between her fingers.
I have, at times, used the NUKs as collateral in order to get Abby to do something.
For example, at naptime or bedtime she has to go potty before getting into bed. When she is exercising her independence & doesn't want to, I tell her that I will then just hold onto the NUKs while she sleeps. I quickly get my desired results.
Ahhh, the power of the NUK.
I know... I probably am not winning any kind of Mother O' the Year award.
Despite the fact that Thomas gave his up (almost willingly) the day he turned 3 years old, I don't think Abby is going to relinquish hers so easily.
We have talked it up.
We have discussed giving them to other little babies who might need them. She agreed.
We have discussed that they are looking pretty raggedy & rough. She agreed also.
We have even talked about her being a big sister and showing Marilyn that she is a big girl now. She was on board and willing.
However, I just don't think that it's going to be that easy when the time comes.
I may need to resort to drastic measures...
like us mailing them to the NUK princess or her cousin, the NUK fairy.
A Mommy has to do what a Mommy has to do, right?

I am hopeful that one day very soon we will say goodbye to the Noots.

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