Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thankful Thursdays (Exam edition)

In light of next week being exam week at school, and both my students & me being extremely busy preparing for semester exams - I thought it only appropriate to make my "Thankful Thursday" about my students. I am extremely grateful for everyday that I am with them. They make me laugh, they teach me something new (be it appropriate or not...because remember they are teenagers), and they make me a better person just allowing me to be their teacher and get to know every one of them.

So... with that said, I thought I would include a few "funnies" from my favorite cartoon series, "Zits" which absolutely captures the reality of teenage life. Thank you to all of my students (both past & present) who make life as a high school teacher both crazy, insane, frustrating, demanding... but worth every minute. Good Luck on exams next week!

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