Sunday, January 22, 2012

The dogs & the best sled ride!

Today we got to enjoy something that none of us have yet to experience - riding on a sled that is powered purely by a team of Alaskan Husky dogs.  It was pretty awesome.  Not only the quiet sound of the dogs mushing through the snow, but the cold air blowing up against our cheeks (because the rest of our faces were covered) and the beautiful scenery around Hillberg Lake (which is obviously frozen).  It really was exciting and it is just one more thing that we get to experience with the kids up here in beautiful Alaska!  Another thing I got to check off the "Alaska Bucket List!"

We actually drove up to Hillberg Ski Resort (right here on Elmendorf AFB) last night to check it all out and make sure that it was something that the kids could enjoy.  And wouldn't you know it... this was the beautiful skyline that we got to enjoy as the sun started to set.  By the way - sunset this week is approximately 4:35 pm and sunrise is 9:45am which means that we are almost up to 7 hours of sunlight per day.
 The Team
8 dogs, ages 4-6 years old, Alaskan mixed Huskies
Pure adrenaline and power
 Guess who was first in line this morning?
 Made a few friends while we waited in line
 But Marilyn was probably the coziest & warmest out of the bunch.
Unfortunately, she didn't get to ride today...
 ... but she wasn't the only baby there so she had a little company!
 Daddy & Abby went first...

 ... followed by Thomas & me!
 And as a special treat, when we returned home we had this visitor strolling around our neighborhood.
He is literally walking across the street from our house...
 ... I think he was looking to see if anyone was out BBQing for the big football games today...
 ... but realized that most everyone was cozy inside their houses so headed home back into the woods.