Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday "Sprinkle"

I guess you could say that the (rain) sprinkle on Saturday morning was not so good.  Thomas' first soccer game was cancelled due to the awful weather... but we are hopeful it will be rescheduled.  If not, there will be several more to come through March & April.  Meanwhile - practice, practice, practice!

On the other note, the Baby Sprinkle that my girlfriends had for me was wonderfully relaxing and ohhhhh so needed.  I only agreed to "let" them have something for me if it was low key.  So we agreed at day at the spa/salon would be perfect.  Besides, this is Baby #3... no need for a full out "Shower"... only a little "Sprinkle" as my gals Kim & Marsha put it!  In addition, I also got to enjoy the company of my sister for the day and my mom & mother-in-law who joined us too for some pampering and relaxation.

 Kim, Marsha & me (the big 'ol prego girl)
 Me, my mom and sis
 Me and my MIL
 By the end of the day...
1 hour maternity massage
1 deluxe pedicure (that was months overdue)
1 deluxe manicure
I rejuvenated, re-energized, relaxed Mama!

1 comment:

Danifred said...

What a perfect day :)