Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers (The Vacation is over Sweetie version)

  • It blows my mind to think about how relaxing just 2 days ago felt. I guess I should have expected this - once you have a vacation, when its over, reality kicks in 100x faster and more intense than before you had a break. Figures. I feel like I'm moving at the speed of light.
  • In a matter of no time since we listed our house for rent on a military personnel-only website... we have gotten contacted already by several interested people. Of course, we hadn't uploaded any pictures of the house when we left for our vacation. Guess what had to be done today in conjunction with doing a whole house cleaning?
  • Whole house cleaning had to be done today because we have our first house showing tomorrow morning. 
  • Did I mention that I can't believe we are dealing with renting/selling the house already? I know we are leaving in less than 4 months, but... I wasn't sure if I was ready for this... now, I don't have a choice... it's here and upon us!
  • On a different note, tomorrow is another soccer game!  I am "Team Mom" for the game and have just finished fulfilling my "snack duty" prep!  Anxious to see my little player go-go-go in the morning!  Speaking of soccer... I owe some serious pictures of the first game last week.  Hope to do that soon.
  • Abby is giving us a run for our money with changing up her routine.  Case in point... the day before we left on vacation, she put her foot down when it came to using the high chair.  Just like that, she wanted nothing to do with it.  So..... she has started to use the booster chair that was once Thomas'.  Today, she was not having anything to do with her crib for nap time.  This has been escalating for weeks.  So... I laid out a make shift "mat" like they use at daycare and told her it was nap time.  In moments she was fast asleep on her "mat" and I didn't here a peep out of her.  Oh lordy.  This just isn't supposed to be happening at the ripe old age of 19-months.  How is it that our baby girl is growing up so fast?
  • C-section has been scheduled (Yeah!)... unless labor kicks in earlier than expected, the Hecks will be a Party of Five on May 24th!
  • Hope to have soccer & Disney pictures up soon... maybe I will have a breather tomorrow night.


Danielle said...

May 24th sounds like a fabulous day for a new baby!

just stopping in from FNL.

also, your soccer snacks look delish! (Can you tell I'm hungry?)

Sarah said...

Stopping in from FNL.

That is the bad part of vacations. The "hangover" is what I like to call it!

My daughter is 19 months and refuses the high chair. She never liked her crib, so we co-sleep.

Moving while pregnant is rough. Good luck!

Danifred said...

I always tell myself that I'm going to give myself an extra day AFTER vacation to recoup and then I never do.

I'm so excited your date has been set. This is SO exciting!

Do you have your route down for your drive up to Alaska yet? Any chance you guys are coming up the east coast?