Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers (Long Time Missing Version)

Man... it has been too many weeks since I last posted some good 'ol Friday Night Leftovers.  Possibly because I collapse from exhaustion by the end of the week; partly because I tell myself to give updates on the weekends when I have more time.  Regardless... here are the "leftovers" -
  • Another M.Ed class complete (check, check)... another one started this week.
  • Abby has another ear infection... give TLC, lots of hugs & kisses, and daily dose of meds.
  • 1st soccer game is tomorrow morning.  Wouldn't you know the weather forecast calls for rain, thunder and lightening.  I guess we will see what comes of it in the morning.
  • Spring Break is around the corner - can I get an "Amen"?  As more and more things get checked off the list, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel leading us and the kids to Disney.  Oh the fun we will all have I'm sure.
  • Still trying to figure out why Thomas thinks sleeping on my bedroom floor in the middle of the night is A) comfortable, B) enjoyable, C) warm, and D) restful.
  • Wishing that I did not have to resort to sleeping on Abbigail's bedroom floor some nights to get her to fall back to sleep (due to teething, ear infection, stubbornness) because it is NOT A) comfortable,    B) enjoyable, C) warm, and D) restful.
  • Baby Girl Heck... Name? Bedroom? Baby stuff? When is she coming?  There is much to decide and talk about. Hope to get to this topic over the weekend.
  • Thomas was in need of a long, over due haircut... here is the result... primetime cuteness!

1 comment:

Danifred said...

Holy cuteness! He is so cute with his new big boy haircut!
Can't wait to hear all the details about Baby Girl Heck- I love the name part :)