Sunday, March 13, 2011

It changes with the wind

I'm referring to my children's moods.
Yeap... they could be playing, laughing, enjoying the moment they are in and then... BAM...

... well, I don't know.  I think the wind changes and thus their mood changes with it!
Often times, I just don't know what kind of left hand turn they each just did; instead, all I understand is that at any moment their moods change.
Abbigail is the worst of the two - I'm sure that is because she can't communicate with words and often times is just frustrated with us not understanding her.  Other times her mood changes because she is 19 months old and is asserting her independence and apparently wants to decide (everything) for herself.

Thomas, on the other hand, is Mr. Sensitve and his mood swings are often tied to the fact that someone tells/asks him to do/not do something.  This too has everything to do with asserting his independence.

And let's not forget the fact that when they each get in the other's way (ie: want a toy, book, seat, snack, etc)... it too results in a DRASTIC mood change.

I'm fairly certain this is not going to change anytime soon.  Matter of fact, the worst may be yet to come given that there will be a new born infant in the house in 2 months.  From that point on (at least until they are all old enough to move out of the house), I will have 3 children who are all 2 years apart from each other.  It is safe to assume that this kind of mood swinging is here to stay...

Lord give me an extra shot of strength!

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