Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I continue to count my blessings each week. 

#1 - my old dear friends who remain a constant in my life despite the miles that separate us and even the years that we have last seen each other.
#2 - the opportunity that I have I had at a new school... and the hope that I am opening new doors.
#3 - my mother and father who raised me with love, values, morals.
#4 - my 3 healthy children
#5 - a new friend who has opened their home to me & my children to share Thanksgiving Day.
#6 - my sister, who knows me inside & out.  She knows when I need to talk, when I need a listener, doesn't judge me, loves me for being me and is sincere in everything she does and says.
#7 - former students who write to me often and remind me what a difference I made in their life as a teacher, a coach, a mentor and eventually as a friend.
#8 - the chance to be at home this last 1.5 years as a stay-at-home mom and not miss a thing with my children
#9 - my husband for providing for our entire family and giving us the world.
#10 - the beautiful white winter snow that we would have never been able to enjoy if we were still in Florida.

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