Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

Where did this week go?  I have hardly ever said that, but at this point in the year (and pregnancy), time is flying by.  I'm thinking this is a good thing...
  • Thomas & Abby really seem to be completely sold on the idea that there will be a baby anyday.  They are helping in every possible way with final touches & preparations.  I'm still pretty worried about Abby though once reality hits and she is no longer the "only girl, little princess, youngest child, and baby" of the family.  I think it will end up being a rough summer for her sharing the spot light.  Fingers crossed that I'm wrong.
  • On the school front, all of my students have completed their national and international exams so for all purposes... they are done.  Congratulations guys!  Next week for me is just formality and I have no students other than the ones who are saying goodbye.
  • Thomas came home today to find a box delivered to him with a special present that Daddy picked out the other night - a little extra "good job & atta boy" gift to remind him how good he has done for the last month sleeping in his bed.
  • Ziggy is hanging in there, although his leg swelling continues to get bigger which, more than likely, means more pain.
  • The other night I had a dream about wearing "normal" clothes and even buying workout clothes - do you think that is any indication that I'm over being big & preggo?
  • Things are becoming pretty real for Brian and I with our impending move... as mentioned earlier, we have a signed lease on our house; additionally though we have a pack out date for the end of June (because our new tenant wanted to move in July 1st) and boxes are starting to become a familiar sight because of us packing up the office and converting it to the baby's room.  I guess there is a lot more of those coming our way in the next 6 weeks.
  • Looking forward to one of the last few weekends of "sleeping in" before Baby Girl Heck arrives.


Danifred said...

You guys have such a busy and exciting time ahead of you! I'm thinking of you and Ziggy. I know this pain all too well.

Anonymous said...

Wow you are going to be EVEN busier very soon! :-) And a move with a newborn...I moved 9 months preggo with a toddler so I can relate to how crazy and tiring it will be. Good luck!