Saturday, May 7, 2011

37 weeks BIG!

See what I mean when I say "BIG"?
When I took this picture, I actually had to lean over considerably just to sort-of-kind-of see my feet.
This is BIG!
 With her impending arrival around the corner, we are wondering who Baby Heck (aka: Marilyn Jane) will look like or resemble more - Daddy or Mommy?  Will she be another brown-eyed, brown-haired Thomas or another Blonde and blue-eyed girl like Abbigail?  Or possible a mix of the two?
Personally, I'm also wondering if this 3rd C-section will be as smooth as a recovery as the last?  Will having a tubal ligation inconjunction with the C-section complicate things or lengthen my recovery any more so?  I'm especially wondering how Abbigail will transition and react to a new baby girl in the house?  So many uncertainties, so many wonderings... so much excitement!

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