Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What they say

As of recently, the things that Abby & Thomas have each been doing & saying is bordering on ridiculous, outrageous, and down right embarrassing:
  • Abby - she unlatched the kitchen sink cabinet as I watched her and then turned to me and just smiled as if to reiterate, "Ha... I am no match for you & Daddy!"
  • Thomas - when we were in McDonalds the other day, an overweight little boy walked in with his Daddy and Thomas pointed and loudly said, "Mommy, look at how fat that boy is."
  • Abby - she shakes her head "NO" to almost every question we ask her... regardless of if she really means anything else.  I'm really hoping the word "yes" will be coming soon.
  • Thomas - thinks that saying "poop" is hilarious.  Did I mention he says it often, and not just in reference to "pee."  I hope we don't have a situation on our hands.

1 comment:

Danifred said...

Tot loves to talk about poop and pee. She thinks it is hilarious!