Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Night Leftovers (Reunited Version)

As with every week, I anxiously wait for Friday to arrive. Some how it is a little easier to pull myself out from under the warm, cozy sheets in the early hour; there is a little more pep in my step knowing that it is the last work day of the week; anticipating the next morning when the family can just hang out in their 'jammies and not rush, rush, rush out the door. Needless to say... this Friday (TODAY) is especially a good one because my hubby/the Daddy will be home tomorrow from his extended trip. Surely this weekend will be a great one with all of us reunited again. Without further a delay... the "leftovers":
  • Haven't had a spare breath to blog this week (hense it being an entire week since the last blogging day). As always, I have plenty on my mind, but spare moments are not abundant in the evenings when there is homework to be graded, lesson plans to do, and cleaning/prepping and preparing for the next day. Before I know it - going to bed is much more appealing than sitting down at the computer to type. Sorry.
  • I'm wondering if I will resort to my morning runs next week since hubby will be home or if I will continue to run in the afternoons? Mmmmmm... run in 70ish degree weather or 90ish degree weather? Tough one. I'm thinking morning. Hello cool temps, here I come.
  • Abbigail got her first "bad" report at school this week. OK, so maybe "bad" isn't the right term... she just didn't do well at all on Monday with cooperating and having her "listening ears" on. I'm not sure if I should chalk it up to our getaway weekend and being spoiled or the fact that she is 1-years old and exerting her independence and ability to do whatever the heck she wants?
  • On the same note, Ms. D told me that she thinks Abbigail and Thomas are as different as night and day. "Thomas being the day, and Abbigail being the night" were her exact words. Mind you, Ms. D is the 1-year old class teacher and she had Thomas as well when he was that age. Apparently, Abbigail is not quite the cooperative, disciplined, easy-going child that he was at that age. Stubborn has even been used to describe Abby. Huh... who in the world does she get that from?
  • Looking forward to Daddy being home tomorrow... yeah!

1 comment:

Danifred said...

Horray for having Daddy home!
My kids are also exact opposites. Seriously, they couldn't be any different- I'm hoping that means their personalities will compliment each other and they'll get along well. (Is that just wishful thinking?)