Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Never did I think that I would have to explain what a breast pump is to a 2-year old toddler. Well... he wants to know. I first started off explaining (on day one) that Abby drinks "baby milk" from Mommy. I called it that because I didn't want him thinking that she drinks the same milk that he does - GOD, poor kid might think that Mommy makes the milk that everyone drinks - what an awful image to have in one's head. Anyway, back to the story.

When he started to see me use the double, electric pump to get the "baby's milk," he started to get curious and ask "what's that?" I explained very simply & briefly that it gently gets the milk for Abby out so she can drink it. That explanation was met with a brief silence as he studied the motion and noise of the pump. I thought that would suffice his curiousity - that is until he said, "My pump! My milk!" "Oh no, no I assured him, this is only for babies. You are a big boy now Thomas and you get to have big boy milk, juice and all kinds of yummy foods that you like to eat. Abby doesn't have any teeth so she drinks this special baby milk, OK?"

I have no idea if I handled that situation the right way but what I do know is that is sure to be only the beginning of many uncomfortable, sticky, possibly embarrassing questions that both him and Abbigail ask me (and they better be asking their Daddy some of these also) in the coming years.

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