Sunday, April 22, 2012

Signs of Spring

With normal highs in the low to mid-50s now, much of the snow has melted and we are finally seeing the signs of spring.  Whether it is kids riding their bikes everywhere, baseballs, soccer balls and footballs being kicked and thrown & played with or even the grass starting to turn green... there is no denying that winter is over and we are all excited to be enjoying the warmer months ahead!

 Yesterday morning, the kids and I headed out on a 3.5 mile run.  While Thomas biked, the girls enjoyed the ride while this Mama hit the pavement.  We stopped along the way for the kids to see the creek which had finally defrosted also!  With water freely running again, it won't be long until there is salmon swimming upstream.

Surely this isn't a surprise to anyone who goes running with a jogging stroller and another one riding his bike - you really don't get to have a good run.  There is no getting in the "zone." More or less, you are getting exercise but your attention is on them.  I'm sure I stopped 27 times for things like pushing the crosswalk button, walking the bike across the street, someone getting stuck in the mud, someone falling over when they were trying to peddle up the hill, someone was tired, someone wanted her water bottle and someone else was just cold.  If it isn't one thing, it's another.  So... as much as I'm glad we went - I'm also thankful that my morning and/or evening SOLO runs will be starting soon when Daddy returns home in less than 2 weeks.  Then maybe it will be a solid and worthy run.
 The sound of freedom
A pair of F-22 Raptors out for a morning flight

1 comment:

Danifred said...

GRASS! I see grass!!!!