Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our 2-year old Abbigail

Oh Abby...

 Her Aunt Jenny would be so impressed with her accessories (her bling-bling)!
 Abby is not the only one who loves the new cupcake/baking set.
 Still wearing her "bling" the next morning!
Dear Abbigail,
You are one of the brightest rays of sunshine in our lives. You make us melt with your smile and your laugh. It is all too infectious. You are so strong willed and opinionated – it is hard to fault you or stay frustrated at you because our hopes are that you grow up and old with that same spunk and fire. You are so sweet to your baby sister and it is so heart-warming to watch you kiss her over and over again, as well as when you read to her, share your baby with her and just snuggle close to her. I hope that same love shines through when she wants to borrow your clothes one day. You love your big brother. It is so very obvious because of how gently you lean around him to ask him for help or offer him something of yours. When you embrace with him, I’m reminded how special sibling love is. But as real as that love is, so is the competitiveness and frustration that comes with only being two years apart and wanting to be able to keep up with him… and sometimes falling short of that. Abbigail, although the words have not come flowing out of your mouth just yet, we know they soon will. Happy Birthday sweet Abbigail. We love you.

Hugs & Kisses,
~ Mommy & Daddy

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