Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers (Getting ready to party version)

Hello beautifully HOT Florida Friday.
  • It's funny how our to-do list is never ending.  Right when you think you have completed some "biggies" and can check them off the list (ie: have a baby, lease your house, finish the school year, get party plans & supplies ready for birthday party, etc)... you realize there are twice as many things to get completed as when you started (packing plans, travel plans, organizing 5 peoples stuff to move, etc).  Aughhh, how frustrating.  I'm the kind of person who likes to see the list get shorter - not longer.  Shorter is a sense of accomplishment for me.  Right now... I don't have that feeling.
  • Time is ticking for us here.  Packers are coming the last week of this month.  Holy crap... that is just 2.5 weeks away.
  • I got the green light from the doc today in my post-op... he said exercise can begin pronto (although no running... only walking... speed walking that is)!  Yeah!
  • We have begun the "weening" of the NUK for Abby.  We are trying to eliminate it from normal daily use and only save it for naps & nighttime.  So far... pretty good, although she looks for it in the normal places and then throws her arms and hands up in the air as if to say, "Where the heck is my NUK?"  We just play dumb.  I think its working.
  • Birthday festivities began last night... the pictures below really do capture how busy the kids were in the kitchen with preparations for cupcakes that we brought into Thomas' class today.

 The end result were cutely decorated cupcakes.
What you don't see is the HUGE mess on my floor... sprinkles were everywhere!
That's alright... messes can be cleaned up... the fun they had is hard to replace!


Danifred said...

Wow- 2 and a half weeks! I'm sure your mind is reeling with things to do.
Those cupcakes look awesome. Tell the kids they did a fabulous job!

Danifred said...

Wow- 2 and a half weeks! I'm sure your mind is reeling with things to do.
Those cupcakes look awesome. Tell the kids they did a fabulous job!