Sunday, February 21, 2010

Insane ride

I read a funny quote the other day when I was looking through the 823 RHS monthly newsletter that is sent out by Brian's squadron... "There are 24 hours in a day - take them if you need them" (Maj Sanchez) which was referring to people who complain about how much work they have. I happen to be one of THOSE people last week and this week. Not because I don't use my time wisely or because I'm lazy or even because I'm a complainer... because my plate (and cup) are run-ith over. Now that I'm looking at my situation, I'm asking myself what was I drinking when I decided that getting through the month of February was going to be do-able????? I will definately be needing most of those 24 hours each day. Seriously Michelle. Besides the normal amount of work (school work at home, kids, house, MEd classes), I've now juggling putting on a talent and beauty pageant at school. Yes... you read that right. The Miss CHS 2010 Talent and Pageant is this week (Tues & Fri) and yours truely is the class sponsor of the Seniors and it is our job to host this event.

Let me let you in on a small detail. Host = do everything. What I mean by that is the Senior Class officers & sponsors plan everything. We are responsible making the event happen. This includes finding judges, providing dinner for the judges, making sure the judges have all necessary contestant info; creating a theme, decorating, buying EVERYTHING, tickets, brochures, hosting a tea for the 35 contestants where each of them will be interviewed by the 5 judges; ordering flowers, thank you gifts for judges and volunteers. OMG... I think the list goes on even the further.

The bottom line is - this is more work than I think I did for my own wedding. Well, at least it feels this way because it is all squeezed into just a few short weeks. On top of that, this is time away from Thomas and Abby. I already feel like I have such little time in the middle of the week - now, I will barely see them this week except for the morning and there is a slight chance I will see Thomas 2-3 times this week for a few moments before bedtime. I guess though it will be over soon and the month of March will be upon us. The forcast this week doesn't look good though... I mean... late nights, little sleep, wont' eat well, in all truth probably wont' do much teaching because many things have to be done during the school day. Its fair to say that next Sunday (when it is all over) - I may just stay in my 'jammies all day and do nothing with the kids. Can't wait.

Until then... my hair is on fire, my "seatbelt" is on and I'm ready for this insane ride this week. If you don't hear from me... I'll try to resurface next weekend... and give you a recap. Have a great week!

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