Sunday, December 16, 2012

Extra hugs & extra kisses

The unthinkable happened this past Friday morning when 20 children and 6 teachers were killed in an elementary school in Connecticut.  I found out just moments before I put Thomas on the school bus that morning and to be very honest, it was one of the most difficult things I could do to let go of him after holding him tight and telling him how much I love him.

All day long while working at my own school, I was distracted by my own thoughts of my son, my kindergartner son, who was at his school learning with his teacher just as all those CT children had been doing with their teachers.  And then their lives were cut short by the evil that is in our world.  Even the survivors of this school shooting will forever be changed - in a very sad and tragic way. 

Friday night, Brian came home after being gone for almost two months.  He already missed the kids so much, but in the wake of the events from that morning, he made sure he held them tighter, held them longer, and told them how much he loved them just a few extra times.  I did the same - extra hugs & extra kisses.

That is something that the parents of those elementary school children will never be able to do again.  My heart aches so much for those parents, families, the community, but most of all, those children.  I pray that they find the strength, the support and the love to go through the difficult healing process that lies ahead.

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