Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers (Happy Veteran's Day edition)

Happy Friday.  Happy Veteran's Day. 
  • My "Thankful Thought" (because I missed yesterday AGAIN) - Thank you to all the men and women who stand up and fight for our great nation.  We are free because they are brave.  We owe our deepest gratitude to each of you, both past & present.  Thank you.
  • Speaking of our military hero... we are missing ours while he is 1/2 way across the world serving this great nation.  We love & miss you Daddy (Brian).
  • Marilyn is doing the butt-up, toe-pushing, sometimes-going-backwards attempt at crawling this week.  It's precious.
  • Abby is ho-hum about potty training.  She loves sitting on the potty as long as I'm right there with her reading books.  She loves her "princess" pull-ups and panties.  She, however, is not a fan at all about going pee-pee or poo-poo in the potty.  She has done neither.  Can you see where this is going?
  • Despite the slow progress, I know it will happen eventually.  Thomas was fully potty trained before he was 3.  There is time.
  • I'm sure there are days that every parent feels like this but my day was today.  I feel like pulling my hair out because of what my kiddos are doing or in some cases, not doing.
  • I have a full appreciation for my hubby's snow shoveling duty over the last 2 weeks.  Almost daily he shoveled before work in the morning, sometimes at lunchtime and often in the evening.  With him gone, guess who is stuck (sometimes literally) with the job?  I can assure you it does not get done nearly as frequently or as thoroughly.  But it does get done.
  • I'm at the half way point in my current M.Ed course that I'm taking now... and I can't wait for it to be over and for our holiday break to be here.  I'm just not feeling it.
  • Exciting news... before he left the country, Brian made room in the garage for this Mama's driving machine.  Yes - I am parked in the garage people.  This is indeed a first.

1 comment:

Danifred said...

I cant' imagine all that shoveling. Any chance a snowblower is in your future?