Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It finally begins

Tomorrow is our day.
Tomorrow is the day we hit the road for our 16 day, 4,900+ mile journey up to Alaska.
Say your prayers.  Keep your fingers crossed for us. 
My hope is that I can give some updates every few nights and let ya'll know how it really is going and where we are.
It sounds crazy, but we are anxious and ready and are very much looking forward to this adventure.
Stay tuned for the new "Hecklures' Northern Adventures"!


Danifred said...

Hope your travels are going well. Be safe, have fun, enjoy. Can't wait to hear from you when you arrive!

Beth said...

Yay! I'm so excited that you all are on the move! Obviously I'll miss you, but this move will be so good for your family. I can't wait for more updates! Love you all!