Saturday, July 2, 2011

running on fumes

I've said this repeatedly over the last few weeks and I will say it again...Abby never ceases to amaze me.  The girl does things that she wants; how she wants.  She decides on her own terms when she is ready to do something.  She is sassy.  She is independent.  She is insistent.  Abby is Abby.

On 9 out of 10 days, Abby needs a nap.  Obviously though because she is not quite 2 years old and she goes and goes and goes until she's got nothing left.  That is what happened today.  For whatever reason, her sassy butt wouldn't sleep at naptime.  We then had friends over to the house to enjoy some pool time and good BBQ.  All of that excitement + a late night = an exhausted little girl. 

But can you imagine that she was still going strong even at 8:30 at night?
She was running on fumes though.
And just moments after her head hit the pillow...
she was in a wonderful dream land.

Sweet dreams Abbigail.

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