Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers (Earthquake edition)

  • As of this afternoon when I pick up him up from his last day of school, Thomas is to now be considered a kindergartner.  I obviously have mixed emotions about this - excitement for him as we will anxiously await August & the buying of the "special" backpack and lunchbox & that getting ready for big school entails... but, also a serious case of denial and even sadness.  He is my baby boy - always will be.  How can he possibly be going to school all day, every day next year?  Where has 5 years gone?
  • This last week I felt my first earthquake.  Although small in comparison (4.7 magnitude), it was a sudden reminder that I'm living in a part of the country/world where these are actually quite common (we have them very often but they are just not big and aren't felt) and unfortunately, Anchorage is long overdue for a stronger one.  And just when I thought I was knowledgeable and prepared when it came to hurricanes... now I have to do the same with earthquakes.
  • Marilyn will be one in less than a week.  Now that brings some tears to my eyes.  She is the last baby.  And now she isn't going to be considered a baby anymore... instead a toddler.  *sigh*
  • Thomas has been counting down for his birthday next month for the last several weeks.  Almost daily, he looks at the calendar and asks me how many days are left? Now that we are under 30 days, he thinks that his birthday is around the corner.
  • I'm convinced now that my pains and aches in the my feet (and maybe even my knees) have to do with my running shoes.  I need to just get fitted for good shoes.  Period.
  • The weather has been freak'in amazing here.  Highs getting up in the upper-50s and lower-60s and total sunshine.  Perfect for my dad and Liz who are visiting this week.  More to come about their visit and adventures soon.
  • We are up to almost 18 hours of sunlight each day.  That translate to sunrise at 5 am & sunset at 10:50 pm.  Unbelievable.  Brian and I went to bed late last night (at 11pm) and I was a little annoyed because the light was still shining through the closed family room window into our bedroom.  But in the big scheme of things... I think its awesome.
TGIF folks.  Enjoy your weekend.

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