Friday, May 18, 2012

Abby's funny words

Abby's speech has literally exploded wide open in the recent weeks.  She is stringing together 3, 4, and 5 word phrases together and it is indeed exciting to hear her express herself so much better.  She is able to better sequence together sounds and make words recognizable as approximations to what the word should sound like.  She has a few words though that are absolutely precious in every sense just the way they are and I wouldn't mind if she continued to say them just a little bit longer just because it puts a smile on my face.

1) "Mey Mey Hect... get out!" [Marilyn Heck... get out!] this is her repeating what I'm saying as Marilyn is digging into something she shouldn't be.

2) "Me, Me...I toot." [Excuse me... I tooted.] this is always with a sheepish smile

3) I wan mows, Mama! [I want marshmallows Mama]

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