Monday, October 3, 2011

Eye Candy

The kids are accostumed to seeing Brian in this uniform everyday:
(July 2009)

So the other morning Thomas came into the kitchen to find Brian dressed in his "blues."
 Without so much as saying good morning or giving a kiss, he looked over at Brian and asked him wear he got his new "dress."  He seemed dazed and amazed.  He wanted to know what the shiny things were too.  When Brian jokingly said it was his eye candy, Thomas looked completely confused.  Mommy & Daddy both chuckled.  Then as Brian tried to explain they were awards & decorations for doing a good job, Thomas lost interest and assumed they were just junk.
Just junk, not eye candy.
Oh well... you can't win 'em all.
 (October 2011)

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