Sunday, October 30, 2011

A change in (pre)schools

Admittedly, I have not been a fan of Thomas' preschool from the beginning.  At first I thought it was because I was trying to compare it to his preschool/daycare that we had sadly left behind in Florida; I also thought that it was because it was part of the base "system."  Then I thought it was because the staff was not very professional at the orientation; the uncertainty continued as we realized that Thomas is not being challenged at school.    He is in a mixed preschool class of 3-5 year olds... the majority are 3 year olds.  He has known his alphabet, and his 1-20 numbers since he was 2.5 years old and yet these, along with some other things, are already "learned" and yet class time is spent relearning them.  He often comes home unhappy with some of the kids in his class explaining that they weren't nice, or used bad words, or this or that.  And mind you, Thomas is the kind of kid that gets along with everyone.  Days & even weeks go by when they do not go outside and play on the playground, yet stayed inside with little physical activity.  We just feel like Thomas needs more out of a school...

That brings us to today.  Listening to several recommendations from trusted sources, we visited a new preschool this last week.  I was won over quickly.  The staff & teachers were welcoming.  The preschool which is also part of a larger K-12 Christian school has many wonderful resources, is well structured, has age-based classes (ie: only 4 year olds in class), and has a curriculum that will surely challenge Thomas intellectually, and also allow him to make new friends & enjoy himself.  We were blessed to find out that they have an opening.  I'm hopeful and anxious for him to start in early December.  Instead of going 3 half days like he does now, Thomas will go 3 full days at his new preschool.  I'm not quite sure how we are going to tell him about the change, but I can tell you that I don't think he will skip much of a beat; when we visited the school, he was engaged & so interested in everything they had  going on there.  We just want to give him every opportunity now so that he has a great start to school when he enters Kindergarten next year.

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