Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers (It's finally April version)

Hello Friday (even if you are April Fool's Friday)...
  • Finally... we are in April.  Only about 7 weeks left of baby cooking and then we will be a Party of Five.
  • I'm starting to really realize how much I miss running.  I'm sure this has to do with the fact that I haven't been running (or had any type of real exercise) since October and bathing suit season is upon us and well... that is just a bad formula for slight depression.  OK... not depression, but I'm missing how good running makes me feel and every time I drive by some chick running...well, summer can't come soon enough so I can start getting my real exercise on!
  • Had a quiet, peaceful, slow-paced date night with my hubby tonight thanks to Grannie & Grandpop who offered to take the kids and spoil them!  I actually got to read the entire menu, look at my food when it arrived and then taste my meal.  Oh.... the simple things in life!
  • When I checked the Anchorage daily weather today on my iPhone app... it reported a high in the upper 30s with snow/ice mix.  So much for Spring up there.  At this time next year we will still be dressed in winter gear.  I'm wondering if I will even need to own a bathing suit for the next 3 years?
  • Why does it seem like every person I run into (even teaching collegues & neighbors) ask me "is that baby coming any day now?"  My initial reaction is to yell at them, but I try and remember to be calm and tell them there are still several weeks left.  Apparently they must think I'm HUGE.  Have I mentioned that I miss running (and having my body back in control)?
Have a great weekend!


Stepping On Cheerios said...

Yeah for baby! I hated when people used to ask me that. It's like, thanks for pointing out I look like I;m about to explode...thanks;)

Sarah said...

Stopping in from FNL.

I have a friend in Anchorage and it does get nice there, but relatively speaking ;)

Hang in there. You are almost done incubating and can run soon enough!

Ahh, date night! And to eat your food when it is warm! Enjoy that now ;)

Danifred said...

It's so funny you mention reading the menu. I've gotten into the habit of reading menus on-line before we go out because I'm so used to the madness of ordering with the kids.