Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Code Brown

Tonight's tubby night was just like any other.

Thomas was shampooed and soaped up first, followed by a rinse.
Lather, wash, and rinse with Abbigail.
Two clean munchkins.

Drain lifted.
Water going down the drain.
As the two of them start to stand to be helped out of the tub,
Abby squats back down and lets out a few quick grunts.

I knew what that meant.
It had never happened before tonight.
Within a short few seconds - certainly before I could react fast enough - Abby pooped out a big 'ol brown log.

We had a CODE BROWN!

Way to go baby girl...
Way to keep Mommy on her toes.

1 comment:

Danifred said...

:) The fun never ends!