Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday Night & Thanksgiving Leftovers (Black Friday edition)

I'm mixing Friday Night Leftovers with Thanksgiving Leftovers this week, friends.  Through in some Black Friday action and this is lots of random thoughts...
  • I've done Black Friday shopping exactly one time in my life.  Thank God it was with one of my most favorite people in the world - my sister - because that craziness just ain't worth the headache.
  • This year, I've been window shopping and making Christmas gift purchases from the comfort of my own cozy, warm, sane couch all while wearing my slippers and drinking hot coffee and cocoa. 
  • I've now come to the realization that no one, NO ONE, in my immediate family likes green bean casserole except me.  As you can imagine there was a lot of leftovers.
  • I also realized the my 3 little Turkeys said their favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner was the canned (not homemade) cranberry sauce that took exactly 5 seconds to prepare.  Hmm.  I'm not even sure how I want to take that compliment.
  • Best Smart-Alex comment from Thanksgiving day goes to Brian.  After getting out of the shower, blow drying my hair, putting a little makeup and perfume on and then coming over to the couch to snuggle up with him, he says, "Sweetie, you're covering up my Turkey smell in the house" and pulls away gently with a sly smile.  He's lucky I didn't knock him out cold right there in the middle of the living room floor.
  • Today was too cold to go sledding and frolic in the snow - we only hit 6 degrees.  Brrrr!
  • We are the verge of December - this is the month that a certain CEO of the family turns the big 4-0.  And just for clarification, I'm the younger CEO so it's not me.
  • Every day I'm reminded that this is our "last" of everything up here in Alaska - last winter, last holidays, last time we will be wearing snow gear, etc.  I'm trying to savor & cherish each of these lasts but also look forward to where we will be next.
  • I can't decide if Marilyn is more sassy or more rotten.  Maybe she's 50/50.
  • For the first time ever, we cooked our Thanksgiving turkey in a new self-roasting oven.  Wouldn't you know, our turkey was cooked to a delicious golden brown... 2.5 hours early.  Seriously, who has this problem?  Wouldn't you know though it was absolutely wonderful.
Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving with those people that mean the most to you!

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