Thursday, November 28, 2013

Blessed and Thankful

As each of us are, I'm beyond blessed and thankful for so much in my life.

I'm thankful for my husband, who is my rock and always, always helps me to see the brighter side of things.  He lets me cry & be irrational (and that happens more often than I'm proud), then rationalizes things & hugs me.  He most certainly has seen my crazy and has stuck around for 10 years.  Thank goodness he is my voice of reason.  He's a keeper.

I'm thankful for my children.  All three of them, each and every day - through arguments, tantrums, giggles and squeals alike.  They are flexible & resilient, grateful & humble, and thoughtful & compassionate.  They continue to make me such a better person than I was before being a mother. They make me feel like I've done something good in this world.

I am thankful for my parents.  They gave me wings & let me fly, but still allow me to come around the nest when I need to.  I'm thankful for my one and only sister who always seems to know how I feel, know what it's like to walk in my shoes & doesn't ever judge me for who I am and the choices I have made.  I'm also so very thankful for my in-laws who love me like I'm their own daughter. 

I'm thankful for the opportunities I've had over the last year up here in Alaska - finishing my 2nd Masters Degree, an internship at a local high school despite not having any connections, and the chance to stretch my legs & take the next step in my career as an Assistant Principal.

I'm thankful that my husband is home this Thanksgiving, unlike last year and many other years.  I know there are so many families who will not be with their loved ones this holiday as they are serving our country from 1/2 way around the world.  All those families are in our thoughts and prayers.

Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!

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