Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stocked Full

The pantry, the refrigerator and even the garage fridge (see below) is stocked with the hubby's favorites although if you notice below, there is a WIDE selection of beer to pick from as he is enjoying his "man cave" upon his return (aka: garage, boat, big screen TV, backyard, etc). I'm just trying to give the man choice since he has had none of it since August. It was a pricey day at the commissary & liquor store for sure.

Meanwhile, Thomas & Abby got to enjoy a few hours with Grannie & Grandpop. It is usually nonstop while they are there... today was no exception. When I pulled up to the house, Thomas was "washing" Grandpop's red truck along with his bikes, little trucks, etc. And of course, he was enjoying being soaked from head to toe. The boy loves water. Loves to swim in it; drink it; play with it. You name it. He is trying to get me wet here but Mama is way too quick!
This picture is actually from Spring Break week... thought it was cute because it is Abby's first shopping cart ride (with out the enormous car seat). She was lov'in it. I think she thought she was big stuff!
Well... back to work tomorrow. With any luck, the days will continue to fly by at warp speed and our return date will be here. I can assure you that once Brian is home... I will gladly slow down to a snail's pace and enjoy sitting, relaxing and catching up with my best friend & love of my life each night after the kids are fast asleep (maybe even with a glass of wine). I'm so looking forward to that.

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