Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Linked to the pregnancy?

Mommy Blog - In the last few days, I have noticed a change in Thomas' behavior both at bedtime and when I bring him to daycare in the morning. At first, I didn't think much of it, but after the 3rd and 4th time, I'm starting to wonder if his actions are linked to the baby (or rather me being pregnant)?????

As I said in an earlier blog entry, Thomas is now sleeping very comfortably in his toddler bed and also sleeping through the night without getting up (thank the heavenly stars). Matter of fact, when he is ready to get up, he sits up and calls out to us for us to come and get him. OK... back to his change... At night, Thomas doesn't spend as much time (really only about a minute) snuggling and saying good night to me or Brian. He happily climbs into this bed and gets cozy. We do the normal kisses and "goodnights" and then leave his bedroom like we always have. But now, after 10-20 minutes, Thomas is still awake and crys out to me. At first I go in, rock him and then put him down again. But after the 3rd time in just a matter of moments, I know he is fine and can't understand what the problem is. Finally, I go in, tell him firmly "its time to go night-night" and lay him down, kiss him and leave. That usually does the trick. But where is this change of behavior coming from? Is it the age (will be 2 in one month) or does it have something to do with me being quite pregnant and him really becoming clingy & needy?

At daycare in the morning, I've noticed a similar behavior. After our normal routine of putting things away in his cubby in his classroom, I get a hug and kiss from him and then he usually goes running off to play with one of his favorite toys or books. Lately, he has been hesitant on running off. Matter of fact, he usually clings to me and wants more snuggles and kisses. After a few moments of that (which I love all the kisses), he is then usually ready to wave goodbye to me at the window and go play. But again, what is going on with his change in behavior? Hmm?

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